• 0 ms "User page has been viewed" has been invoked.
  • 0.034 ms Executing the rule "User Forward" on rule set "User page has been viewed"
  • 0.051 ms Evaluation of "User page has been viewed" has been finished.

:: Brenda Deere

Brenda Deere


Upcoming Subconscious Restructuring™ Workshops

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My specialty is in helping women lose weight.  Having been an emotional and binge eater for most of my life, I've been where you are, and felt what you feel.  At the age of 50, I decided it was finally time to do something about my weight once and for all.  I was able to lose 110lbs. within a year by following a sensible eating plan and moderate exercise program.  I have now maintained the loss for over 7 years.  You can find out all about me on my website: www.WeightLossCoachForWomen.com

I have recently moved to Ft. Myers, FL and find the Subconscious Restructuring Program to be one of the best I've seen.  If you are ready to get healthy and feel better about yourself, I would love to work with you to help you achieve your goals.  Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can!