:: Step 7: The Trance-Formation

The Trance-Formation

Trance describes a subconscious state, or what you may refer to as meditation or prayer. It is a means of having a greater level of communication with the subconscious. The last half of this term, Formation, refers to the formation of information during your Trance or the structure of your self-talk and pictures. I also refer to the Trance-Formation as accelerated restructuring.

The most powerful means of changing your subconscious programming is through the use of light trance. The intention is for you to take control of your subconscious. The Trance-Formation is also important because it is, in essence, prayer or meditation with a purpose. It is designed to help you learn how to meditate and for those who already meditate to increase the power of your meditation or prayer substantially.

During your light trance, you remain aware of everything around you and in complete control, instead of being given generic or general information. The information used during your trance will be specific to you, as established in the first six steps of the program. The purpose of the Trance-Formation is not to quiet the mind as in most forms of meditation. The mind has a certain speed; it is going to run regardless of what you attempt because this is just part of being alive. You can, however, take control of what it is doing, and this is what the Trance-Formation is all about.

What you say to yourself is more important than anything anyone says to you or about you. Once you have learnedthe dialogue of the induction, you can use this to put yourself in arelaxed state that will allow you greater control over yoursubconscious processes. You must put yourself in aLight Trance at least once a day.

The effectiveness of your meditation will always be determined by what you say to yourself and the pictures you choose. The Trance-Formation requires that you are not involved in any activity. Before engaging in the Trance-Formation, select a quiet place where you can relax and fully connect with the process.

Following is the text for the Trance-Formation. You can use this to make an audio or edit it to suit your needs perfectly and then memorize it like a script to put yourself in a relaxed state that will, in essence, rearrange the furniture in your head.

The Trance-Formation Meditation

Find a comfortable spot, and we shall begin. First, establish a clear vision of what you want in and around your new self. When viewing this picture, make sure your body is exactly as you wish, you are with people you love, and you are in a location that makes you feel incredible.  Fully associate with this image.

Once you have a clear vision of your new life, gently set it aside for a moment, and you will begin the process of the Trance-Formation Meditation.

Begin by placing your palms face up on your thighs. Now, place two swirling white lights in the center of your palms. Within the swirling lights, in your left palm, see the people or things that invoke your most powerful emotional state and with the most loving, wonderful energy. What are they doing?

In your right hand, place your current self inside the swirling light. As you watch the swirling patterns, you begin to notice that the person inside the light is changing, shifting, transforming, and becoming exactly the person you designed.

Now, take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth as you bring your palms up to your chest, and this swirling, white-loving light enters your chest. Take another deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhale out through your mouth as your eyelids become heavy and fall from their own weight.

With every breath, you become more and more relaxed as this white, loving light moves through the entire cavity of the chest, illuminating every cell and any dark areas of the body. This white-loving light continues to move up your neck and into your head, illuminating every cell of the brain while moving back down into your neck, down your shoulders into your arms, and out to the end of your fingertips. This loving white light continues to move down into your stomach cavity as you begin to see a set of stairs, ten steps to the bottom.

As you take the first step down these stairs, you go down a thousand steps and become more relaxed as this white, swirling light continues to move down into your legs, into your feet, and out through the ends of your toes.

As you purposefully take the second, third, and fourth steps, you continue to go down a thousand steps with each step, while this white light expands outward and completely encompasses you, illuminating every cell and destroying any dark areas of the consciousness and body. This, white, loving light becomes focused and concentrated on all of the areas of the body that may need to be healed and remains there until the problem is dissolved and replaced by new, healthy, illuminated cells.

Looking upward, you begin to see a clear image of your newly emerged self. You see yourself and the structure of the picture just as you described it in The Subconscious Self-Image. You are in a location that makes you feel incredible with all the people, colors, sounds, and aromas that you desire.

This picture is panoramic and fully encompasses your field of vision. You *make the choice to step into this picture and become fully associated with it…

As you begin to absorb all the good feelings of this picture, you search the boundaries and discover ways to make it even better every day.

The images that you see empower you. You can see yourself taking each step to get to this wonderful new version of yourself. You are making better choices, sleeping better at night, choosing foods that make you strong, and people who generate a profound synergy.

As you’re looking through these images, keep the colors bright and vivid, just like your associated image, make sure you can hear the sounds and voices that helped you stay focused, and match the vibrancy of this image with the vibrancy of those swirling white lights.

Looking at these images, you begin to ask yourself the first two key questions:

1) Does this work for me?

2) How do I feel, and will I benefit from the results of this? (Remember that If the answer to

this is no, you will ask yourself the next key question.)

3) What can I use to replace this with that will benefit me?

You continue to reshape and change what you are doing and the contents of the picture until you get exactly what you want. Stop and Replace this picture any time you feel yourself drifting off course. You now gently step out of this image and come back to our staircase on the fourth step.

With your images fully integrated, you continue going down the stairs to the fifth, sixth, and seventh steps. You continue to go down a thousand steps with each step. This, white, loving light continues to swirl within you and around you, becoming the perfect magnet for everything you desire.

As you feel your vibrant images, other pictures begin to emerge. These are pictures of you going through your daily life: working, playing, and interacting with people and things. Some of these pictures may be of you rationalizing a poor choice or making a mistake, and you begin to reprimand yourself. You have the power to immediately recognize this and begin to ask yourself the next two key questions:

4) What can I learn from this? And

5) How can I use this experience to move more quickly toward my objectives?

If an answer does not come right away, continue to chant these questions until the mind can no longer reprimand.

Suddenly, the power of these and other Empowering Questions begins to work for you, and you will find that something that just seemed useless or even harmful has now become useful and empowering.

This, white, loving light continues to move through your body and expand outward. Your Mind, Body, and Spirit become fully connected. All of your objectives and the ways to accomplish them begin to come into clear view.

As other pictures come into view, there are some that feel intrusive. You immediately ask yourself: Does this image work for me? When the answer is no, you immediately say, Stop to yourself. This initiates your ability to halt this image and make the picture smaller and smaller, more and more unidentifiable, until it is a little black BB in front of your face, which you can destroy in a way that makes you smile. You can shoot it back behind you and blow it up into a billion molecules or smash it with a hammer, whatever you feel is the most effective.

You find yourself saying “Replace” to yourself while simultaneously bringing up your empowered image. You know you can initiate this process a thousand times a second if that is what it takes to destroy the old picture. You *fully* understand you are the one who now controls the subconscious. Feel your body as it shifts back into the powerful position evoked by your choice to focus on your associated images.

You continue to relax with every breath you take, and all the good feelings of the associated image envelope you. Concentrating on this picture, you continue to relax, feeling good about both images and still going deeper and deeper with every breath. While keeping your empowered image in view, you call upon another white, loving light that enters through the top of your head, moving down and adding to the already existing light. Feel the peace that comes from knowing you can invite this loving light any time you need.

Every night, as you go to bed, you may call upon this loving light and begin to create your own dialogue that will allow you to enter a subconscious state. This, loving, swirling light continues to enter the top of your head, moving down into your neck, your shoulders, down your arms, and out through the ends of your fingers, illuminating every cell along the way.

As you continue to go deeper and deeper, this loving light moves down into the chest and abdomen and into the legs and feet.

This light continues to pour down through the top of your head, filling every cell, and then it expands, completely surrounding you. As you become empowered by this powerful, white, loving light, you continue down the stairs to the eighth, ninth, and tenth steps.

You continue to go deeper and deeper as questions begin to enter your mind, Empowering Questions that will maintain and perpetuate your love, health, wealth, and self-image. Questions for your emotional and spiritual LOVE begin to emerge:

-What do I need to do to keep my love from turning into anxiety, negative self-talk, or anger?

-How can I continually and perpetually live in this light of love?

-How can I be more of a magnet for loving energy?

-What action do I need to take to realize the full potential of my emotional and spiritual love?

-How can I use my emotional and spiritual love to improve my communication skills?

-What do I need to do to perceive all past and current relationships as beneficial?

-What will happen today that will give me incredible pleasure for no reason?

-What questions do I need to ask myself to perpetuate a healthy emotional and spiritual love?

As this white, loving light continues to pour down through the top of your head and destroy any dark areas while illuminating every cell, Empowering Questions for your health begin to emerge while your subconscious continues to work on the questions for your love:

-How can I consistently maintain a 7, 8, or 9 regarding my overall health?

-What action must I take to maintain a consistent fitness program?

-What do I need to do to feel this good all the time?

-How can I make sure I stay in the habit of changing things that do not work for me?

-How can I maintain my excitement and enthusiasm for my fitness and diet program every day?

-What exercise do I enjoy enough to make a permanent part of my daily or weekly routine?

-How can I ensure I only ask questions that work for me and move me quickly toward my objectives?

-What emotional state do I need to change that may keep me from optimum health?

-How can I make sure my mind, body, and spirit are always fully integrated?

-What other questions do I need to ask that will keep me moving toward and perpetuate my desired health?

As your subconscious continues to work on the questions for your love and health, your wealth questions begin to emerge:

-What action do I need to take to initiate and perpetuate my desired wealth?

-What action do I need to take to maximize my productivity every day?

-What do I need to do to perceive every experience as a benefit?

-What do I need to do to become more of a magnet for everything I desire?

-How can I make all things in life work for me?

-How can I increase my decision-making speed?

-What other questions must I ask that will keep me moving toward my desired wealth?

As your love, health, and wealth questions continue, your self-image questions begin to emerge:

-How can I maintain the image of this positive perception every second, every minute, every hour of the day?

-What do I need to do to maintain my Objective Picture and the image of my new self?

-What can I add to this picture to help me maintain this new image?

-What do I need to do to feel fantastic all the time?

-What action do I need to take today that will make me feel great?

-What information do I need to perpetuate my love, health, wealth, and self-image?

-What questions do I need to ask myself every day that will ensure my emotional well-being?

-What information do I need to ensure the success of my objectives?

As you continue to ask yourself Empowering Questions, the white loving light begins to swirl at your feet as you start going back up the stairs to the ninth, eighth, seventh, and sixth steps. With every breath, you pull this energy up into your legs, abdomen, chest, arms, hands, neck, and head as you continue to walk back up the stairs to the fifth, fourth, third, and second steps.

As you step up to the first step and then the top of the stairs, your new vision of yourself becomes clearer than ever. Your body now becomes completely and fully energized, and as soon as you wish, you may come back with the knowledge that you are capable of creating the life you choose starting right now.

Be ye Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind