• 0 ms "User page has been viewed" has been invoked.
  • 0.021 ms Executing the rule "User Forward" on rule set "User page has been viewed"
  • 0.036 ms Evaluation of "User page has been viewed" has been finished.

:: ckishiyama

Chris Kishiyama

Director | In.Dependence SR Counseling and Coaching

Upcoming Subconscious Restructuring™ Workshops

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Chris Kishiyama, Director In.Dependence Coaching has a 16 year history in intervention, family mediation, negotiation, health and wellness . He has developed training programs for the US Dept of Health and Human Services through the Substance Abuse and Mental Healh Allliance and the State of Utah. He is a public speaker, spiritual advisor and practices Gyoja; a spiritual athlete in the path of Buddha. Chris is also a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer (NCPT) and a Nationally Certified Sports Nutritionist (NCSN) focusing on emotional barriers to health and wellness. 

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