:: Step 4: Stop and Replace Breakdown

Step: 4 - Stop and Replace System Breakdown

Please write down one habit, behavior or emotional state

you absolutely must restructure in the box below.

You will write down what you wish to restructure here
1) This is where you will write down your benefits. 1) This is where you turn your benefit into an empowering question.
2) 2)
3) 3)
4) 4)

Answers to Empowering Questions:

1) This is where you write your answers to your empowering questions.

Describe your Replacement Picture:

  1. Associated

This is where you will describe your new picture.

Describe your Old Picture:

  1. Dissociated

This is where you will describe your old picture.

The Switch Pattern

1) CUE: When you recognize your cue you will say STOP to yourself


2) STOP: When you say STOP your old picture will be destroyed.


3) REPLACE: When you say the word REPLACE your subconscious mind will produce your new active body image.


Stop and Replace System Samples

Following are ten Stop and Replace System samples. If you look at the first one, you will notice the Benefits of NOT doing this and Empowering Questions are filled out for you. These samples are meant to help you get started with the Stop and Replace System. You should use information from the samples only if it specifically applies to you. If you would like to skip over the samples for now and get started, go to a Stop and Replace form.